Powering the Future of Power and Energy Solutions

Cnr Cecil Avenue & Gwanda Road, Bulawayo Cnr Cecil Avenue & Gwanda Road, Bulawayo

NUST IEEE PES Day 2023 is an event that is being held for the first time. It is great opportunity for students, lecturers and industry leads to celebrate together PES Day. The event will involve presentations from guest speakers and students. A panel discussion will also be provided as a way to get different insights from the speakers inline with the theme of the year. Main key areas of the day will be the PES Day theme, benefits of PES day and IEEE benefits for humanity.

Electro Sense, Talk, cake cutting

We are conducting 3 events on PES day event, 1) Electro Sense- we are given a task to complete in which we must select the appropriate parts for one closed box, (with every participants eyes should be closed on choosen the components time) . The participants who select the most things advance to the following stage, where they must construct a single circuit using the help of a circuit diagram in a limited period of time. 2) Online talk - With Dr. Y. V. S. Lakshmi(related to women involve in Engineering). 3) Offline talk- Placements and experience with IEEE for our seniors. 4) PES day celebration - cake cutting in the presence of our respective teachers and mentors.


"Attention all artists and designers! We are excited to announce a Poster Designing Competition on the theme 'Powering a Climate Safer Future' on the occasion of PES Day 2023." Your poster should inspire people to take action towards a more sustainable future. The winners will receive cash prizes worth ₹5000. So get your creative juices flowing 🎨 and help us power a brighter and safer future for generations to come! This is an event aimed to celebrate PES Day 23 in a creative way and make sure that we make more and more people known to IEEE and PES Society.


GINGER GREEN-Report Name of organizing unit : St. Joseph’s College of Engineering IEEE Student Branch Student Branch Code : 60101 Co-organizing unit : IEEE PES Name : GINGER GREEN Venue : Online Event Date of Event : 22/04/2023 Whether funds received From IEEE exclusively for this event : No Target audience : Open to all. Platform : Google form basis Number of Participants : 70 Faculty coordinator : Mr. R. Sreekanth, Staff Coordinator. Brief description : The IEEE Power and Energy Society of St. Joseph's College of Engineering hosted a virtual "GINGER GREEN" event. The event occurred on April 22, 2023 ,On the Occasion of 6th IEEE PES DAY 2023 on the theme of “Powering a Climate Safer Future!” Participants vision through the theme was tested during the photography event. This event mainly focusses on the better climate for safer future. Winners are chosen based on the number of photos and relevant to theme they provide. Winners and participants will receive E-certificates.

Zero-Carbon Buildings: Technologies, Practices, and Prospects Symposium

At 14:00 on April 22, 2023, under the guidance of IEEE PCCC, hosted by IEEE PES Nanjing Branch, Jiangsu Electrical Engineering Society Power System Professional Committee, organized by Liyang Research Institute of Southeast University and Nanjing Dongbo Smart Energy Research Institute Co., Ltd., " One of the two events of PES DAY 2023 co-organized by Electric Power Automation Equipment Magazine - Zero Carbon Building: Technology, Practice and Prospects" seminar was successfully held! With the proposal of "dual carbon" goals, low-carbon economy has become a global trend. As an important part of the low-carbon economy, zero-carbon buildings have become the focus of governments' attention and the key direction of future development. This seminar gathered well-known experts and scholars in the industry to discuss the cutting-edge trends, practical cases and market prospects of zero-carbon building technology.

How Green is Solar Photovoltaic Energy System?

REPORT On Saturday 22nd April, 2023, a webinar event titled "How Green is Solar Photovoltaic Energy System?" was held commemorating the IEEE-PESDAY 2022. theme: Powering a Climate Safer Future. The event was hosted by a team of Power and Energy Ambassadors, IEEE Rivers State University Ambassadors with one volunteer, Emmanuel Apke. It was attended by over 61 participants from different parts of the world. I Naanee Barinyima PESDAY23-169 was the facilitator. I started the meeting at exactly 4:pm GMT+1 by appreciating PES and explaining the essence of the webinar. The webinar is aimed at critically evaluating solar photovoltaic energy system to see if they were as renewable as advertised. Presentation Vincent Douglas Chukwumela PESDAY23-061 read a brief biography of the speaker and introduced the speaker. The speaker, Engr Dr. Agu Collins is the director of Research and Development (R&D) Department of National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA). Our speaker Introduced the solar photovoltaic systems, it's history and also the components of the system. He went to to tell us about the dark side of Solar Photovoltaic Energy system. Here he made us understand that solar photovoltaic energy systems after installation and during operation does not emit green house gas. But, he exposed us to the climatic effect of the solar photovoltaic systems value chain. The value chain of solar photovoltaic energy systems included extraction of raw materials such as extraction of silicon,copper and aluminium and also the mining of metals like lithium for the production of lithium ion batteries which degrades the environment. The manufacturing of the PV cells involved processes that leads to the emission of harmful pollutants like NOx, SF6, SiCl4 in to the environment which could affect public health. We also learnt that the end of their use PV system increase in electronic waste which are difficult to recycle. In operation the lithium ion batteries during thermal runway event emit harmful gas like carbon monoxide, hydrogen fluoride. He recommended that solar powered hydrolysers which uses only water as input and fuel cells be used to store energy replacing batteries to reduce the carbon imprint. In conclusion, though PV system have environmental benefits the manufacturing process and the end of life of PV system should not be overlooked. He urged manufacturers to also consider the impact of manufacturing PV system on the environment and opt for more greener ways to manufacture them. Q&A section The question and answer section was taken by Peace Sunday PESDAY23-113. Our virtual attendees participated by asking questions and received answers from the speaker. A wide range questions concerning the topic was asked to the speaker.These are some the questions asked; 1 What other energy source was greener. Answer Wind energy 2. What is the feasibility of going into biogas energy production as substitute in Nigeria Answer: it's highly feasible considering the amount of agricultural waste and sewage produced in the country. The raw materials for biogas energy are readily available in Nigeria 3. Are we at risk of explosion from the batteries Answer: Hardly but yes in the event of thermal runway (overheating) and battery expiration. PES membership registration promotion We also invited Engr Aneke Ezekiel the PES day Representative of Nigeria to address attendees and promote IEEE and PES membership registration. Advertising our next webinar event We advertised our next webinar event titled Energy Management for Climate Safer Future. Speaker: Engr Azuka Time : 4:00 GMT+1 Tuesday 25th April 2023 Closing Barimene Abuelo PESDAY23-153 took screenshots of the event and recorded number of attendees and some emails address. I Naanee Barinyima thanked everyone for attending. And ended the meeting by 5:30pm.

How Green is A Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Energy System?

The fact remains that technology plays a major role in achieving a Climate Safer Future, this event is aimed at providing awareness globally on solar photovoltaic energy system technologies and how green or renewable it is. Also our speaker with vast experience will take us through critical analysis and evaluation of technologies that makes up the system with suitable solutions. At the end of this session,participants will be able to understand the real nature of solar photovoltaic energy systems and it impacts to our environment and the future. Link: https://meet.google.com/xdv-uzfr-fhe


The IEEE Power and Energy Society of St. Joseph's College of Engineering hosted a virtual webinar "WEBCAST" event. The event occurred on April 23, 2023 on google meet. The webinar's primary goals are to educate participants about the power and energy industries and to connect them with experts. "Electric vehicle charging infrastructure" is the subject of the webinar, which was presented by Mr P. Sivaraman M.E., a senior member of IEEE. The webinar is quite participatory and engrossing, and it concludes with a question-and-answer session.

Treasure hunt

We are gladly conducting a treasure hunt in online mode related to PES day . It is conducting for 20 teams which consists of 60 students in total (3students in 1 team).We also arranged cash prizes for the winners.

“Engineering DIY Competition: Powering The Climate For A Safer Future”

Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

The PES Day Event that will be organized is "Engineering DIY Competition - Powering a Climate Safer Future!". This is basically a DIY (Do It Yourself) competition that allows the participants to come out with useful, innovative and creative ideas and make them into reality by using recycled items or green materials. The main objective of organizing this event is to instill the sense of responsibility of protecting the nature and reducing the waste of resources among university students as well as the community. This can achieved by allowing the participants to figure out the way to use recycled items in developing a new product that is usable. In this way, the values of recycled items can be felt by the participants.

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