Energia solar: consumo consciente, cidade sustentável

O 1º Workshop “Energia solar: consumo consciente, cidade sustentável” do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amapá – IFAP, ocorrerá no dia 27 de abril de 2023, no auditório do campus Macapá. O evento terá duração de 4 h, com apresentação de painéis e uma roda de conversa sobre potencialidades e uso da energia fotovoltaica, contando com a presença de palestrantes de diferentes setores. Estão convidados a participar deste evento não só os professores e alunos da instituição como também empresários, profissionais liberais e autônomos, funcionários dos setores público e privado que queiram conhecer sobre pesquisas e estudos desenvolvidos na sua área, em especial aqueles que tenham interesse em utilizar a energia fotovoltaica em seus empreendimentos ou residências.

Accelerating the Transition to a Low Carbon Future

On April 27, 2023, the IEEE Power and Energy Society Moi University Student Branch Chapter hosted an event centered around "Accelerating Transition to a Low Carbon Future," aligning with the society's overarching theme of "Powering a Climate Safer Future." The event featured a technical talk and demonstration of solar energy, from the panels to the inverters to storage and consumption. The event began with a keynote address from a prominent expert in the field of renewable energy, who discussed the current transition to a low-carbon future and the role solar energy can play in accelerating this transition. They highlighted the importance of increasing public awareness and investment in solar energy technologies and the need for policy changes that incentivize the adoption of renewable energy sources. Following the keynote, attendees were treated to a detailed technical presentation on the mechanics of solar energy production. This presentation covered topics such as how solar panels are designed and manufactured, the role of inverters in converting DC energy to AC energy, and the importance of energy storage in maximizing the efficiency and reliability of solar power systems. After the technical presentation, attendees witnessed a live demonstration of a solar energy system. This demonstration showcased the various components of a solar energy system, from the solar panels themselves to the inverters and energy storage systems. Attendees could see firsthand how solar energy is produced, stored, and distributed for consumption. In addition to the technical talk, live demonstration, and keynote address, the IEEE Power and Energy Society's April 27, 2023, event also included a celebration of the society's day with a cake-cutting ceremony. This provided attendees with a lighthearted and enjoyable moment to socialize and network with one another. The cake-cutting ceremony provided a moment of levity amidst the informative and technical aspects of the event, allowing attendees to connect and celebrate the society's mission of promoting sustainable and responsible energy practices. Overall, the IEEE PES Day event was an informative and engaging exploration of the current state of solar energy technology and its potential to power a low-carbon future. The event provided attendees with valuable insights into the mechanics of solar energy production and a firsthand look at how these systems operate in practice.

Accelerating Transition to a Low Carbon Future

IEEE PES Day Moi University SBC On April 27, 2023, the IEEE Power and Energy Society Moi University Student Branch Chapter hosted an event centered around "Accelerating Transition to a Low Carbon Future," aligning with the society's overarching theme of "Powering a Climate Safer Future." The event featured a technical talk and demonstration of solar energy, from the panels to the inverters to storage and consumption. The event began with a keynote address from a prominent expert in the field of renewable energy, who discussed the current transition to a low-carbon future and the role solar energy can play in accelerating this transition. They highlighted the importance of increasing public awareness and investment in solar energy technologies and the need for policy changes that incentivize the adoption of renewable energy sources. Following the keynote, attendees were treated to a detailed technical presentation on the mechanics of solar energy production. This presentation covered topics such as how solar panels are designed and manufactured, the role of inverters in converting DC energy to AC energy, and the importance of energy storage in maximizing the efficiency and reliability of solar power systems. After the technical presentation, attendees witnessed a live demonstration of a solar energy system. This demonstration showcased the various components of a solar energy system, from the solar panels themselves to the inverters and energy storage systems. Attendees could see firsthand how solar energy is produced, stored, and distributed for consumption. In addition to the technical talk, live demonstration, and keynote address, the IEEE Power and Energy Society's April 27, 2023, event also included a celebration of the society's day with a cake-cutting ceremony. This provided attendees with a lighthearted and enjoyable moment to socialize and network with one another. The cake-cutting ceremony provided a moment of levity amidst the informative and technical aspects of the event, allowing attendees to connect and celebrate the society's mission of promoting sustainable and responsible energy practices. Overall, the IEEE PES Day event was an informative and engaging exploration of the current state of solar energy technology and its potential to power a low-carbon future. The event provided attendees with valuable insights into the mechanics of solar energy production and a firsthand look at how these systems operate in practice.

Powering a climate safer future

IEEE PES Day Moi University SBC Event Description On April 27, 2023, the IEEE Power and Energy Society Moi University Student Branch Chapter hosted an event centered around "Accelerating Transition to a Low Carbon Future," aligning with the society's overarching theme of "Powering a Climate Safer Future." The event featured a technical talk and demonstration of solar energy, from the panels to the inverters to storage and consumption. The event began with a keynote address from a prominent expert in the field of renewable energy, who discussed the current transition to a low-carbon future and the role solar energy can play in accelerating this transition. They highlighted the importance of increasing public awareness and investment in solar energy technologies and the need for policy changes that incentivize the adoption of renewable energy sources. Following the keynote, attendees were treated to a detailed technical presentation on the mechanics of solar energy production. This presentation covered topics such as how solar panels are designed and manufactured, the role of inverters in converting DC energy to AC energy, and the importance of energy storage in maximizing the efficiency and reliability of solar power systems. After the technical presentation, attendees witnessed a live demonstration of a solar energy system. This demonstration showcased the various components of a solar energy system, from the solar panels themselves to the inverters and energy storage systems. Attendees could see firsthand how solar energy is produced, stored, and distributed for consumption. In addition to the technical talk, live demonstration, and keynote address, the IEEE Power and Energy Society's April 27, 2023, event also included a celebration of the society's day with a cake-cutting ceremony. This provided attendees with a lighthearted and enjoyable moment to socialize and network with one another. The cake-cutting ceremony provided a moment of levity amidst the informative and technical aspects of the event, allowing attendees to connect and celebrate the society's mission of promoting sustainable and responsible energy practices. Overall, the IEEE PES Day event was an informative and engaging exploration of the current state of solar energy technology and its potential to power a low-carbon future. The event provided attendees with valuable insights into the mechanics of solar energy production and a firsthand look at how these systems operate in practice. Description for Feature in MU Website The IEEE Power and Energy Society Moi University Student Branch Chapter held an event on April 27, 2023, focused on accelerating the transition to a low-carbon future through solar energy. The event featured a keynote address, technical presentation, live demonstration of solar energy, and cake-cutting ceremony celebrating the society's day. The keynote discussed the need for increased public awareness and investment in renewable energy sources, as well as policy changes to incentivize adoption. The technical presentation covered topics such as solar panel design, inverters, and energy storage. The live demonstration showcased how solar energy is produced, stored, and distributed. The cake-cutting ceremony provided a lighthearted moment for attendees to network and celebrate the society's mission. Overall, the event was an informative and engaging exploration of solar energy technology's potential to power a low-carbon future.

Introducción de: Long Term Energy Scenarios and Low Emission for Peru

En el marco de la celebración por la 6° edición del PES DAY sobre el tema ¡Impulsando un futuro más seguro para el clima! , PES UNI tiene el agrado de presentar el evento "introducción de: Long Term Energy Scenarios and Low Emission for Peru": Actualmente la matriz energètica del Perù depende grandemente de hidrocarburos, sin embargo, el gobierno tiene los compromisos firmados en la COP26, el cual establece una serie de compromisos, siendo el màs importante las metas de descarbonizaciòn del sector energètico y no energètico; en ese sentido, se requieren de modelamientos energètico de largo plazo con el fin de analizar y establecer estrategias de descarbonizaciòn por sectores econòmicos, en esa línea, conversaremos acerca de los criterios de modelamiento de tecnologìas haciendo uso del software Times (Veda).

The role of technology and the youth in powering a climate safer future.

Climate change is one of the most significant environmental challenges affecting humanity today. The earth’s climate is rapidly changing due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. The event themed, The Role of Technology and the Youth in Powering a climate safer future, aims at bringing together experts, scholars, and youths to explore how young people can use technology to develop innovative solutions for mitigating climate change. The event has four speakers and each speaker will have a subtheme to talk about. The first subtheme is ‘Shaping the next generation of power engineers’, which will be handled by Md. Tabil Ahammed who is the Vice-chair of IEEE PES DAY. The second speaker, Ursulah Wendo, who is a sales advisor at Creative Innovation Limited, will talk about ‘Youth inclusion in the energy space for climate change mitigation’. The third speaker, Ian Chege, who is the PES KU Ambassador Lead will talk about the role of Nanotechnology and energy-efficient medical devices in renewable energy. The last subtheme, ‘Green energy goes mobile’, which focuses on electric vehicles, will be handled by Sally Kinya, who is the CAS Chair DeKUT. The event will impact the community by informing the youths on how to use technology to ensure a climate-safer future.

Seminario Energía Renovables

Guided by this year’s slogan, we will talk about renewable energies. The speakers are experienced engineers in this area, who will introduce us to a way to use this new type of energies in our advantage and how to apply this technology in our own country.



With our PES DAY event, which we organized for the first time this year as IEEE BAUN PES, we will host 2 professional speakers working on renewable energy systems, who are experts in their fields, in our online event and ensure the future vision of our participants is developed. We want to take our first step with the 2023 event and traditionalize the PES DAY event in the coming years.

The Future of Jobs in Electrical Engineering: Trends ,Challenges and Opportunities.

Greetings from PES/IAS Bombay Section IEEE PES/IAS Bombay Section is organising a webinar *Topic : "The Future of Jobs in Electrical Engineering: Trends ,Challenges and Opportunities."* *Date* 27 April 2023 *Time* 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm (IST) *Speaker* : Prof Devendra Gowade Branch Counselor, DKTE Textile & Engineering Institute and PES Day 2023 Ambassador IEEE Bombay Section. *Mode of Conduct*: Online *Gmeet Link*: https://meet.google.com/jsr-tavv-qpz *Registration Link:* https://forms.gle/Ux9Ei1z976ATZT5R9

Solar Power Plant Visit

RSET IEEE PES SBC as part of PES Day 2023 is conducting a visit to the solar power plant established in our college(RSET).Our campus is renowned for promoting cleaner, greener and sustainable practices, and the solar power plant of 717.95 kWp capacity which has been commissioned recently reaffirms our commitment to fight climate change and environmental degradation. Students will be given an opportunity to have a closer look on how the plant works and learn and clear doubts regarding the same by the help of faculty members present.

A Session on ‘Climate Change: Building Resilience through Sustainable Interventions’.

The event was organized by IEEE GRIET PES Student Branch Chapter on 28th April 2023 on the occasion of PES Day 2023. The title of the event was A Session on ‘Climate Change: Building Resilience through Sustainable Interventions’. It was an offline seminar by Ms.Prathyusha Parakala, Lead Program Manager for Sustainability at Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Mr. Ved Prakash, and Ms. Manasa Balakrishnan, both waste management ambassadors at Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories. It went on for 90 minutes and a total of 95 participants participated. It was a non-paid event. The speaker, Ms. Prathyusha Parakala has spoken about climate change and continued by several human actions that increase greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and accelerate greenhouse gases. And the reasons that are responsible for climate change by which terrestrial and aquatic environments are being affected by this climate change. She shared her experience about her journey to Antarctica, to understand Climate Change on the fragile ecosystem of Antarctica. And also, how human treason activities are affecting the lives of whales and other wildlife in Antarctica. Then she passed the session to her colleagues Mr. Ved Prakash and Ms. Manasa Balakrishnan who continued the session about waste management and measures to follow to lead a sustainable life. Then, the session ended with the speeches of the IEEE GRIET Counsellor, Dr.B.Phaneendra Babu, and Mr. V. Vijaya Rama Raju, IEEE GRIET PES Advisor and they both felicitated the guest speakers.

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